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WebMO is a web-based interface to computational chemistry packages.
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Intuitive for novices: point-and-click molecular editor, pre-defined job types, reasonable default values
Flexible for experts: advanced job options, full access to input and output files
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WebMO installs on a single web server that runs or accesses the computational chemistry programs
Support for most popular computational chemistry programs: Gamess, Gaussian, MolPro, Mopac, NWChem, Orca, PQS, PSI, Q-Chem, TeraChem, Tinker, Quantum Expresso, and VASP
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Supports all modern web browsers (Edge, Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox) and iOS/Android devices (with free app)
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WebMO Basic is the free version of WebMO that includes an integrated 3-D molecular editor, interfaces to popular computational chemistry programs, and graphical visualization of results
WebMO Pro is a commercial add-on to WebMO Basic that provides 立马加速器免费版-立马游戏加速器官方下载-华军软件园:2021-4-22 · 立马游戏加速器,电竞级网游加速器,专注于降低网游延迟,全球极速节点,为用户智能选择优质线路,带来顺畅的海内外游戏体验。华军软件园为你提供立马游戏加速器官方免费下载。 for serious education, research, or commercial users
WebMO Enterprise extends WebMO Pro with enhancements for large numbers of users or computer clusters
手机免费加速器 is free for iOS or 加速器免费版 mobile devices and allows local calculations, lookup of chemical information, and submission/viewing of WebMO jobs
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Use throughout entire curriculum because WebMO supports novices through experts
Minimize training since the same menu-driven interface works with all computational programs
Save maintenance time by installing WebMO and computational programs just once
Reduce user support because no software is installed on client computers; WebMO works with all modern web browsers
Save money by sharing one license among multiple users and no annual subscription fee